There’s nothing more magical than underwater photography. Nothing makes me happier than taking epic underwater portraits that you will get to cherish for the rest of your life! I know the process can seem overwhelming and even scary to some individuals. 

It’s not the type of photoshoot that you just show up to a studio for. Even if you’ve done lots of photoshoots in the past, taking underwater photos is in a league of its own because you’ll be in the ocean.

As an underwater photographer, I’m here to help! Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I get about underwater photoshoots. 

photo of woman floating on her back in the ocean while rising to the surface for Hawaii underwater photoshoot

Question 1: How deep will we be swimming?

In general, we’ll need to be about 8 to 10 feet under the sea for deeper underwater photos. Sometimes, we might go up to 20 feet under the water. We’ll also utilize the shore waist or shoulder for some deep underwater portraits.

As a general rule of thumb, I don’t shoot where I can’t see the ocean floor. That being said, we won’t be swimming to the ocean floor during your photoshoot — although some exceptions have been made depending on how strong of a swimmer the client is!

photo of woman swimming at the bottom of the ocean for her underwater photoshoot in the Florida Keys
photo of couple holding hands and swimming in the ocean for their Hawaii couples underwater photoshoot

Question 2: Do I need to be an experienced swimmer? 

Yes, you will need to be an experienced and confident swimmer if you want those expansive, deep ocean underwater photos.

Don’t know if you’re considered an experienced swimmer? If you can tread water for about 10 minutes at a time and enjoy swimming, I’m not too concerned and you shouldn’t be either!

There are some things you can do to prepare for your underwater photoshoot. I highly recommend spending some time in local pools practicing treading water. You’ll can also want to grab my free posing guide, which will teach you some of the poses that I’ll be shooting on the day of your session. Practicing the poses at your local pool beforehand will help build your confidence for the day of your underwater photo session. 

photo of pregnant woman floating in the ocean for underwater photoshoot in Curacao
photo of couple holding hands and swimming at the bottom of the ocean together

If you’re nervous about your swimming skills, let’s chat about it — but please know that my first priority as an underwater photographer is your safety! I will make sure that your photoshoot is done in a depth that you feel comfortable at, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that your session goes as smoothly as possible.

It’s also worth noting that floating devices can be accessible if you need them. 

photo of pregnant woman floating to the surface in ocean for Bahamas underwater maternity photoshoot

Question 3: How long will we be in the water?  

Many factors can play a role in how much time we’ll be in the water for your underwater photoshoot. It generally depends on how comfortable we’re all feeling and what the ocean current is like.

I generally aim for 20-minute sections over the course of an hour with a rest in between them. We may also head over to the shallow area and take some drone photos if the session calls for it! This allows you to take a breather in between shooting. 

photo of pregnant woman floating in shallow area of beach for beach maternity photoshoot in the Bahamas
photo of boy swimming around his mom in the ocean as she holds her son

Question 4: Are underwater photo sessions for couples only? 

No way! There’s no doubt that couples underwater photoshoots can make for gorgeous, romantic photos. But if you’re flying solo or if you have a family, there are plenty of other great reasons to consider ocean photography! 

They can be a great way to create a time capsule of your family vacations or celebrate babymoons and maternity sessions. Many people also opt to do solo sessions! You might celebrate a milestone birthday or document a solo trip with some underwater photos!

photo of woman swimming along side a sea turtle for an underwater photoshoot in the Florida Keys
photo of father playing with sun in the ocean and mom holding two sons in the water at Curacao for a family beach photoshoot

Question 5: Can children take part in underwater photoshoots? 

Absolutely! Family underwater sessions can be an amazing, unforgettable experience! As an underwater photographer, I do highly recommend getting your kid swimming lessons to help them become strong, confident swimmers prior to your session. Younger kids do well in areas of water that aren’t too deep, but they can still make for amazing photos!

It’s also ideal to have someone who’s able to attend the session to keep an eye on the kiddos if you want to try doing some deeper ocean underwater photos. 

photo of couple kissing at the bottom of the ocean for a couples underwater photoshoot in Oahu

Question 6: What should I wear for my underwater photo session? 

When choosing swimsuits to wear for your session, it’s important to keep in mind that less is more! I recommend selecting simple bathing suits, such as a simple one-piece or bikini for women and swim trunks for men. Be sure to stay away from string bikinis and logos, which can be distracting.

You’ll want to stick with neutral colors. White, black, or nude are all good options. Colors that would typically be found underwater, such as blue and green, can also work for your underwater photos. I recommend avoiding red, hot pink, or any other flashy colors that could distract from you. 

photo of pregnant woman swimming to the surface in the ocean for her underwater maternity photoshoot in Curacao
photo of woman floating and posing in water for underwater maternity photoshoot in the Bahamas

Another thing that’s worth noting is that having a tan can help your skin really pop in your underwater portraits. You can achieve this through a spray tan or self-tan. 

Question 7: Do I need to wear fins and goggles? 

If you want to wear fins and goggles for your underwater photoshoot, you absolutely can! Fins can be really helpful if you get tired in the ocean open, and it might be a good idea to bring them along.

Goggles are nice when shooting with another person so you can see underwater!

These are optional, of course! You can go without fins and without goggles (and many of my past clients have) and be fine! 

photo of woman snorkeling and swimming in the ocean beside a sea turtle in Islamorada
photo of woman floating and swimming in the shallow area of the beach for maternity photoshoot

I hope that answering some of these FAQs about underwater photos helped you! If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and I’ll do my best to answer them! 

Are You Ready to Book With Me? 

So, you’re ready to book your first underwater photo session! I’m so excited for you, and I’m truly honored that you’re considering me as your underwater photographer.

As a Florida resident, I can easily do photoshoots in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas. Looking to travel to other seaside locations? I’m willing to travel wherever to make your photography dreams come true! Check out my top 5 destinations for your dream underwater photoshoot.

Please reach out to me with your underwater photo ideas! I’d love to hear them and see what we can do to make your ocean photography dreams a reality!

photo of two girls swimming in ocean and high fiving for a best friend photoshoot in the Bahamas

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