What To Expect When You Book An Underwater Photoshoot

So, you've been scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest and have stumbled across those mind-blowing underwater photography images. You’ve envisioned yourself swimming among the fish, exploring the ocean, and coming face to face with sea turtles. You’re looking for a new adventure and wanting to create new memories. You’re ready to dive in and book an adventure photoshoot to get those stunning images you’ve been dreaming about, but you aren’t sure what to expect. 

No worries, I’ve got you covered! 

Keep scrolling to discover what an ocean photoshoot like this entails and why you need to book this memorable experience ASAP!

photo of woman pregnant woman floating to the surface in the ocean in a black bikini

An Ocean Photoshoot That’s Perfect for Everyone

Anyone and everyone is a great candidate for this underwater photography session! Whether you want to document your solo trip, pregnancy, or honeymoon, celebrate your recent engagement, or capture your beautiful family moments on vacation—this unique beach photoshoot is just the thing for you!

As your underwater photographer, it’s my job to create the perfect experience for you no matter what season of your life you’re currently in or what your swimming capabilities are! That’s why I tailor each adventure photoshoot to you and why no two sessions look alike. It’s my job to ensure that you’re as safe as possible when in the water with me AND that we create memories (and images) to last a lifetime!

photo of mom and dad with two sons swimming in ocean
photo of little boy swimming in ocean with head peaking above water

An Underwater Photoshoot That Comes With Plenty of Options

When you book an underwater photoshoot with me, it’s not a one-size-fits-all! I like to give you options! I crafted my packages to be unique and customizable. Having options helps you pick an adventure that best suits you and lets you get the most out of your ocean photoshoot experience.

For those just wanting to experience the excitement of an adventure beneath the waves, my basic underwater photoshoot is just what you’re looking for! This unique beach photoshoot is an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experience in 60 minutes. It’s a great choice if you’re short on time or just want a quick thrill and epic scenic portraits!

For ocean lovers who want to make a day of it, here's your chance to explore the land AND sea! Imagine a gorgeous beach sunrise photoshoot, followed by an underwater photography session where you just might catch a glimpse of playful dolphins nearby. To top off your day, consider adding a paddleboard or a sunset cruise photo session for the perfect finishing touch! 

Feel free to contact me to chat about what we need to do to make this your dream underwater photoshoot and customize your day!

photo of woman swimming towards the surface in the ocean
side by side photo of mom holding son up in the air over the water in the ocean and father holding his son and smiling in the water at Curacao

An Exhilarating 60-Minute Adventure Photoshoot

Your underwater photography session experience can vary greatly depending on your swimming capabilities and what package you select! 

Being a good swimmer is a must if you’re looking to get those deep ocean underwater photography images! Strong, confident swimmers can anticipate spending about 20 minutes at a time swimming in and treading water that’s 8-10 feet deep. Taking breaks to stay refreshed and not get pulled too far out is crucial during our underwater photoshoot. The sea is a powerful force and can take you further out without any warning. While we're out there, I'll assist in guiding you through poses to ensure that we snag those breathtaking, jaw-dropping shots. And the icing on the cake? You might come face to face with marine life!

Not the best swimmer? That’s perfectly fine! A shallow-water underwater photoshoot is another option if you feel more comfortable along the shore. What’s great about this is that you only have to go out as far and as deep as you’d like! These portraits may not capture the immense depth of the ocean images that you'd get by going further out, but they're still incredibly stunning! I also capture drone footage when shooting a session like this.

photo of pregnant woman swimming in the ocean in a black bikini

An Underwater Photoshoot That Can Take You Anywhere!

Have you been dreaming of having your session stateside or off the shore of a tropical island? The great thing about an adventure photoshoot like this one is that we can go wherever the ocean is! Whether you’re looking to plan your unique beach photoshoot at Curacou, the Bahamas, the Florida Keys, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, the options are endless!

photo of man and woman holding hands while swimming under water in the ocean
side by side photo of underwater maternity portraits in Curacao with woman floating and swimming at the bottom of the ocean

Hands-On Assistance from an Experienced Underwater Photographer  

As an experienced underwater photographer, I know the importance of providing you with a seamless client experience. I know how stressful and nerve-wracking a new experience like this can be! Rest assured that you don't need to have it figured out before you book. That’s why I’m dedicated to helping you with every step of the planning process. Whether it’s creating a detailed timeline for our Land and Sea underwater photoshoot or assisting you with booking accommodations, rental vehicles, and airline tickets--my goal is to make this experience as effortless for you as possible! 

photo of woman diving into the water with a rocky cliff in the background for an underwater photoshoot in Curacao

Still in love with underwater photography and ready to make your dream a reality? Fill out my contact form, so we can jump on a free call to discuss your ideas and start planning your underwater photoshoot today!

photo of pregnant woman floating on her back at the bottom of the ocean

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